Monday, July 27, 2009

Dark brown hair to light brown?

just bought this product:

it's meant for dying dark brown hair light brown. I'm a little scared to use it, but I already spent a bunch of $ on dying my hair lighter at a salon, and it looks exactly the same.

does this dye look trust worthy, or should I try something else?

Dark brown hair to light brown?

all home coloring products are crap they sell these to make money to spend on research and development on professional color and they can be very drying to your hair

when coloring you should always go to a salon it is your safest bet

especially if it doesn't come out the way to want it you'll have to try again and maybe again and then eventually to get it fixed you'll have to go to a salon and get corrective color which will cost you much more then if you just went to a professional it the first place and home color is harder to fix cuz they contain metallic dyes which are tough to get out

the choice is yours but the best thing to do is go to a salon and get it done it will save you money i promise

best of luck

Dark brown hair to light brown?

Die it many times with the light brown and it will begin to lighten!

Dark brown hair to light brown?

id try it! i did mine at home and it worked just fine, and was less expensive. if you dont like it, you can always get it fixed or just let it fade out.

Dark brown hair to light brown?

I've used Loreal Feria before and it worked fine. The only problem I had was that the color didn't stay on as long as the ones from the professional salons do. After a few weeks my color would fade and I'd have to buy another bottle.

Dark brown hair to light brown?

Try lemon juice in the sunshine.It will make your hair lighter

Dark brown hair to light brown?

auburn hair

Dark brown hair to light brown?

It's pretty afterwards you should put some blonde highlights in it because that would look really good with that color and you'll have to try it to find out I can't say it looks trustworthy by looking at it lol.

Dark brown hair to light brown?

It looks ok..but my mom uses Garnier stuff- it works really good.

Dark brown hair to light brown?

you try it it will look nice

Dark brown hair to light brown?

i would try it out..just keep doing it like 1 a week till it gets lighter if it doesnt work the first time..good luck!

my friend got Loreal die and worked fine on her she died hers from light brown to blonde..

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