Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?


I have brown eyes and brown hair and my skin is not the lighter,but not he darkest as well. I live in North Greece, so I am just not pale, this is how my comprexion is.

I love eye-shadows, but my eyes are small. I love black, grey, blue, mauve, green... Any colour, especially dark ones like grey and black. What colour should I pick, irrelevant to what I said I like and is there a way to wear dark colours avoiding this eye-effect? Thank you very much!

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

You probably should use and olive or beige colored eye shawdow!That should make your eyes look nice and smokey!

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

Go with browns.

Don't do no blues, silvers, greys.

I laugh every time is dark skinned women with wacky as colors. Just don't do silvers, that color is not right.

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

Personally, I dont like eye shadow at all. Why not just use dark eyeliner and a good mascara. Thatll focus the attention on your eyes more...and we all know the eyes are the gateway to the soul.

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

try to pick brown based bronze eyeshadows! it looks good on medium skintone:)

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

pink will reflect brown eyes. try an eyeshadow pallette like this one:


Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

螠螤螣巍螘螜危 螡螒 螔螒螞螘螜危 螣韦螜 围巍惟螠螒 螛螘危 危螘 桅惟韦螜螡螣!you can pick light shadows at any color you like and fits you.don't put dark shadows because your hair is dark also...

Brown hair, brown eyes (not dark but not light as well), what eye-shadow should I pick?

Try some browns and deep pinks and purples

also try some colors you never thought you would, nothing too bright or crazy but you never know what you're going to discover until you give it a chance

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