Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lowlights and highlights on brown hair?

i want lowlights and highlights in my brown hair but my question is when you wash your hair do they fade awayafter time?i mean you know when dyeing hair the color fades away is it the same with this too and if so what color are they gonna be after time? and how do you keep them radiant?

Lowlights and highlights on brown hair?

you can buy shampoos that are triggered for colored hair or ones that enhance the colors

Lowlights and highlights on brown hair?

your hilites will basically stay the same until they grown out and are cut off but your lolites with fade the same as just gettin a color put on all over after some time...if your gettin a darker brown it will still be noticable for quite a long time until it is cut as well but will fade a bit..to keep any color longer use cooler water when washing your hair and professional products for colored hair from a hair salon :)

Lowlights and highlights on brown hair?

well the lowlights r gonna fade after time the highlights in you hair stay untill u grow it all out or dye over them

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