Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

Does it really work? How much should you use? Does it dry out your hair?

My hair is really dark brown with gold brown highlights, barely noticable though and the highlights are grown out majorly.

I'm wondering is it really worth it? Will it make my hair lighter or just make it orange or something? Have any of you tried it?

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

it works.

just smear some lemon juice on the top of your head and sit in the sun for like an hour. it might dry it out a little but just take a shower and condition that night and itll be fine. ive tried it, it sometimes works good and sometimes just looks the same.

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

i wanna know too!

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

We tried this at home a couple of times - it barley works. It does although make you hair sticky, stings your head and insects will be running at you.

So in short I would not recomend it.

Try using a product like sun-in. You simply spay it on (the more you spray the lighter it becomes) and sit in the sun for 10 - 20 minutes. Now this one works.

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

from what i hear it really damages your hair so i wouldnt do it but i think to lighten your hair highlights are the best way..get like 2 different colors "woven" in so then your hair is lighter but it still looks natural

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

My mum tried it and says it doesn't work...it smells nice though!

Lightening dark brown hair with lemon juice?

Bleach hair with lemon juice


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