Saturday, August 1, 2009

How do i get cool toned brown hair?

I'm asian and I have naturally black hair. when i have bleached it in the past it turned gold. then i dyed it ash brown but it washed out really quickly and my hair looked golden brown again. what should i do?

How do i get cool toned brown hair?

if your hair is currently colored, your best bet is to go to a *good* professional salon who deals with color corrections a lot (and specifically ask if they have a stylist who specializes in asian hair). personally, i would use a color remover to get all that artificial color out of your hair and then use a cool-based (cool bases are green, blue, or violet; i tend to stay away from green, which is generally ash, and looks fake and gross) brown color in the level you pick out (level meaning darkness factor) after the color remover. the color remover we use in my salon is not harsh like a color STRIPPER. there is no ammonia nor peroxide; it just stinks to high heaven lol. and you wouldn't have to remove the color all the way up to a blonde; just remove it up to the level of color you want to be. it is not a difficult process if you get a professional who is well versed in color correction. i would request a stylist who has been licensed for at least 4 years, and does a lot of color. if you have a local regis, try calling them. that's where i work, and in my town, we do the most color corrections. and i do a vast majority of them. be sure to tell the stylist that your colors tend to fade quickly; this may be due to a lower quality shampoo you may be using as well. professional quality color care shampoos are a must after a color correction especially.

good luck!

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